Guide to the City of Waterdeep

System of Wards
Since the Year of Falling Stars (1035 DR), Waterdeep has been divided for the purposes of governance and security into a system of wards or civic districts. Although no formal boundaries mark their borders, the six recognized wards of Waterdeep are Castle Ward, Dock Ward, North Ward, Sea Ward, Southern Ward, and Trades Ward. The City of the Dead is nearly a seventh ward unto itself, and Deepwater Harbor and the surrounding islands form an informal eighth ward.
Waterdeep Structures
Buildings in the city are detailed in the following format:
Map Key: Name (usage, building class, # of floors)Building Class
Building class is an artificial categorization of structures into one of four groups (described below).
- Class A Buildings
- Class A buildings are always unique and distinctive landmarks of any scale. Most, however, are of a large and grandiose nature, almost built as much for show as for use. Examples include the city’s public structures, major temples, and the nobles’ villas.
- Class B Buildings
- Class B buildings cover the larger, more successful and elaborate single buildings within the city. They have up to six stories, and might have extensive cellars (usually connected to the sewers at some point). Most inns and guildhalls fall into this class. Examples include grand houses and mansions, prosperous businesses, large warehouses, and the guildhalls.
- Class C Buildings
- The great majority of buildings in Waterdeep are Class C—the tall row houses that line the streets to heights up to five stories. Row houses usually have shops on the ground floor, with offices or apartments above that. While not always multi-story row houses, this class includes many of the better-kept taverns and rooming houses in the city as well.
- Class D Buildings
- Class D buildings are lesser buildings, usually one-story wooden buildings used as small warehouses, individual homes, and storage sheds for Waterdeep’s lower classes. Such buildings are mainly found in Dock Ward, southernmost Castle Ward, and, in smaller numbers, in Southern Ward and Trades Ward.
Sea Ward

Waterdeep’s wealthiest ward is notable for the many-spired, grand homes of the nobility, the gleaming edifices of the city’s leading temples, and the imposing towers of the city’s premier wizards. Other notable landmarks include the Field of Triumph ($77), the lush Heroes’ Garden ($70), and the Sea’s Edge Beach.
Sea Ward Structures
- $1: Sated Satyr (tavern, C, 2)
- $2: Wyvern’s Rest (inn, C, 2)
- $3: Selchoun’s Sundries (business, B, 2)
- $4: Golden Harp Inn (inn, B, 2)
- $5: The Shrines of Nature (temple, B, 2s)
- $6: Emveolstone Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- $7: Hiilgauntlet Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- $8: The Blue Alley (wizard’s domicile, C, 1)
- $9: Gauntyl Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- $10: The Temple of Beauty (temple, A, 3)
- $11: Brokengulf Villa (noble villa, A, 4s & 3s)
- $12: Raventree Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 2s)
- $13: Rosznar Villa (noble villa, A, 5s & 2s)
- $14: Jhansczil Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- $15: Naingate (wizard’s domicile, B, 4)
- $16: Melshimber Villa (noble villa, A, 4s & 5s)
- $17: Ilitul Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- $18: Aurora’s Realms Shop, Singing Dolphin Catalog Counter (business, B, 1)
- $19: The Tower of Luck (temple, A, 2s & 3s)
- $20: Wavesilver Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- $21: The House of Wonder (temple, A, 5s)
- $22: Eltorchul Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- $23: Nesher Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- $24: Gundwynd Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- $25: Tessalar’s Tower (wizard’s domicile, B, 4s)
- $26: Artemel Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- $27: Ammakyl Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- $28: Silmerhelve Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- $29: Ruldegost Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- $30: The Dragon Tower of Maaril (wizard’s domicile, A, 4s)
- $31: Husteem Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- $32: Zulpair Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- $33: Eirontalar Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- $34: Tesper Villa, “Tespergates” (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- $35: Irlingstar Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- $36: Manthar Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- $37: The Fiery Flagon (tavern, B, 1s)
- $38: The House of Inspired Hands (temple, B, 3s)
- $39: Dacer’s Inn (inn, B, 3s)
- $40: Ilzimmer (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- $41: The Ship’s Wheel (tavern, C, 2)
- $42: The Pilgrim’s Rest (inn, B, 3)
- $43: The Wandering Wemic (inn, B, 3)
- $44: Tchazzam Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- $45: Maerghoun’s Inn (inn, B, 3)
- $46: Urmbrusk Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- $47: Assumbar Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- $48: Cassalanter Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- $49: Thongolir Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- $50: Eagleshield Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- $51: Dezlentyr Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- $52: Belabranta Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 5s)
- $53: Bladesemmer Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- $54: The House of Purple Silks (festhall, B, 4)
- $55: Gounar’s Tavern (tavern, B, 2)
- $56: The House of the Moon (temple, A, 4)
- $57: Moonstar Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- $58: The House of Heroes (temple, A, 3)
- $59: The Broken Lance (tavern, C, 1)
- $60: Halazar’s Fine Gems (business, B, 2)
- $61: The Silken Slyph (tavern/inn, A, 4)
- $62: Gerin’s Breads (business, B, 2)
- $63: Melvar’s Chapbooks and Folios (business, B, 2)
- $64: Velatha’s Delights (business, B, 2)
- $65: Tammerbund’s Glasswares (business, B, 3)
- $66: Mystra’s Arms (asylum, A, 6)
- $67: Furjur the Flippant’s residence (house, A, 3)
- $68: Hlethvagi Anteos’s residence (villa, A, 5)
- $69: Stagdown Manse (villa, A, 3)
- $70: Heroes’ Garden (city building, n/a)
- $71: Seaseyes Tower (city building, A, 5)
- $72: West Gate (city building, A, 3)
- $73: Seawatch Tower (city building, A, 5)
- $74: North Tower, “The Trolltower” (city building, A, 4)
- $75: Armory (city building, A, 3)
- $76: High Flagon Gambling House (business, B, 3)
- $77: Field of Triumph (city building, A, 5)
- $78: Myrna Cassalanter’s residence (house, A, 2)
- $79: Trollfort (city building, A, 4)
Like North Ward, Sea Ward's dangerous places are minuscule compared with the ink-black alleys of Dock Ward. More distinctly, the alleys here contain more intrigue due to the gossip-mongers within them than any skulking thief, as the nobles do love their sport. Some of the more interesting alleys and byways are:
- Cloaksweep Alley
- The Ghostwalk
- Gondwatch Lane
- Kulzar's Alley
- Moarinskoar Alley
- Moonstar Alley
- Pharra's Alley
- Prayer Alley
- Roguerun Alley
- Rook Alley
- Runer's Alley
- Sabbar's Alley
- Satchel Alley
- Seawind Alley
- Shank Alley
- Sharra's Flight
- The Skulkway
- Sniff Alley
- Wagonslide Alley
North Ward

Waterdeep’s quietest ward is also one of its wealthiest. North Ward is home to most of the middle class and lesser noble families. This ward has few notable landmarks other than the Cliffwatch, and it all but shuts down at dusk. This placid reputation belies the intrigues and scheming that goes on behind closed doors, and the volumes of smuggled goods that lie in cellars beneath the city streets.
North Ward Structures
- N1: Guard Barracks (city building, C, 3)
- N2: Brossfeather Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N3: Anteos Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- N4: Phull Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- N5: Snome Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- N6: Crommor Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- N7: Piiradost Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- N8: Thunderstaff Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- N9: Talmost Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N10: Thann Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N11: Hawkwinter Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- N12: Sultlue Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- N13: Cragsmere Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N14: Massalan Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- N15: Kothont Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- N16: Holyhands House (inn/temple of many faiths/former noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- N17: Lanngolyn Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- N18: Ulbrinter Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N19: Jardeth Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- N20: Gralhund Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N21: The Raging Lion (inn, B, 3)
- N22: Maerklos Villa (noble villa, A, 1s, 2s, & 4s)
- N23: Nandar Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N24: Stormweather Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 5s)
- N25: A Maiden’s Tears (tavern, B, 1)
- N26: Twilight Hunters (tavern, C, 2)
- N27: The Gentle Mermaid (festhall, B, 4)
- N28: Durinbold Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- N29: Estelmer Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N30: Tarm Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N31: Majarra Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- N32: The Misty Beard (tavern, C, 4)
- N33: Agundar Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 3s)
- N34: Amcathra Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- N35: Hunabar Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- N36: Thorp Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N37: Lathkule Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N38: Kormallis Villa (noble villa, A, 1s & 2s)
- N39: Adarbrent Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- N40: Phylund Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N41: Margaster Villa (noble villa, A, 2s)
- N42: Roaringhorn Villa, “The High House of Roaringhorn” (noble villa, C, 4 A, 4)
- N43: Ragathan Furriers (business, C, 2)
- N44: Zun Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 4s)
- N45: House of Crystal Storage (warehouse, C, 4)
- N46: The House of Crystal (guildhall, B, 2)
- N47: The Galloping Minotaur (inn, B, 2s & 3s)
- N48: Meraedos Fine Furs (business, C, 2)
- N49: Sulmest’s Splendid Shoes & Boots (business, C, 1)
- N50: Aurora’s Realms Shop, High Road Catalogue Counter (business, C, 1)
- N51: The House of Healing (guildhall, C, 3)
- N52: Hothemer Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N53: Ilvastarr Villa (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- N54: Fallen Stars Fish (business, C, 1)
- N55: Wands Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 5s)
- N56: The Grinning Lion (tavern, C, 1)
- N57: Gost Villa (noble villa, A, 3s & 4s)
- N58: Helmfast Villa (noble villa, A, 3s)
- N59: Orlpar Husteem's residence (row house, B, 3)
- N60: Downybeard Tobacconist (business, B, 2)
- N61: Hriiat Fine Pastries (business, C, 2)
- N62: Irbryth Authamaun's residence (business/row house, B, 2)
- N63: Danilo Thann's residence (row house, A, 3)
- N64: Maerik Thaelcloak's residence (row house, A, 2)
- N65: Silent Shield (inn/storage, B, 4)
- N66: Taurntyrith Adornments (business, A, 2)
- N67: Bhephel’s Bottles/Exotic Wines and Cordials (business, A, 2)
- N68: Sarsantyr’s Tapestries & Draperies (business, B, 2)
- N69: Tirelessly Turning Wheel/Caravan Curios From All Far Faerûn (business, B, 3)
- N70: Millomyr Harps (business, A, 2)
- N71: Greenglade Tower (rooming house, A, 5)
- N72: Obelos “The Only” Braeril's residence (business/row house, A, 3)
- N73: Hospice of St. Laupsenn (temple, A, 3)
- N74: Simon Ilzimmer's residence (row house, A, 4)
- N75: Brianne’s Tower (residence, A, 6)
- N76: Firesong Villa (villa, A, 4)
- N77: The Bent Nail (business, B, 3)
- N78: Northgate (city building, A, 4)
- N79: Farwatch Tower (city building, A, 5)
- N80: Endcliff Tower (city building, A, 3)
- N81: Cliffwatch Ruins (ruined inn, n/a)
- N82: Upper Towers (city building, A, 4)
Comparatively speaking, the alleys in this ward are nearly as safe as a hallway in ones own home. They are, at their worst, quiet places for drunken nobles and turned-out guests to sleep off the nights revelry without fear of interruption. However, the backstreets do contain some items of interest and threat:
- Black Dog Alley
- Catchthief Alley
- Manycats Alley
- Shattercrock Alley
- Stabbed Sailor Alley
- Trollskull Alley
- Watch Alley
Castle Ward

Castle Ward lies in the heart of Waterdeep, wrapping around the eastern slopes of Mount Waterdeep. This ward is home to the city’s administrative buildings and buildings of state. The ward’s most prominent landmarks include Ahghairon’s Tower (C79), Blackstaff Tower (C6), Castle Waterdeep (C76), Piergeiron’s Palace (C75), the Market, and Mirt’s Mansion (C52).
Castle Ward Structures
- C1: Spires of the Morning (temple, A, 3)
- C2: Fair Winds (villa, B, 2)
- C3: Silavene’s (festhall, B, 3)
- C4: The Font of Knowledge (temple, B, 4)
- C5: The Halls of Justice (temple, C, 5)
- C6: Blackstaff Tower (wizard’s domicile, B, 4)
- C7: The Cynosure (city building, A, 2)
- C8: The Market Hall (guildhall, B, 2)
- C9: The Singing Sword (tavern, C, 3)
- C10: The Smiling Siren (festhall, C, 2)
- C11: The Pampered Traveler (inn, B, 3)
- C12: Mighty Manticore Tavern (tavern, C, 1)
- C13: Diloontier’s Apothecary (business, C, 1)
- C14: Balthorr’s Rare & Wondrous Treasures (business, C, 1)
- C15: Tower of the Order (guildhall, B, 4)
- C16: Palace Paddocks (city building, C, 2)
- C17: Palace Stables (city building, C, 2)
- C18: Palace Storage (warehouse, C, 2)
- C19: Guard Barracks (city building, C, 2)
- C20: The Crawling Spider (tavern, C, 2)
- C21: House of the Fine Carvers (guildhall, B, 3)
- C22: Hilmer Storage (warehouse, C, 2)
- C23: Halls of Hilmer, Master Armorer (business, C, 1)
- C24: The Dragon’s Head Tavern (tavern, C, 2)
- C25: Halambar Lutes & Harps (business, B, 2)
- C26: The Golden Key Locksmiths (business, C, 2)
- C27: The Master Bakers’ Hall (guildhall, B, 2)
- C28: Velstrode the Venturer’s Row house (house, B, 3)
- C29: Olmhazan’s Jewels (business, B, 1)
- C30: The Asp’s Strike (tavern, C, 2)
- C31: Rebeleigh’s Elegant Headwear (business, C, 1)
- C32: The Elfstone Tavern (tavern, B, 2)
- C33: Phalantar’s Philtres & Components (business, B, 2)
- C34: Pewterers’ and Casters’ Guildhall (guildhall, C, 1)
- C35: The Blue Jack (tavern, D, 1)
- C36: Guildhall of the Order (guildhall, B, 1)
- C37: Aurora’s Realms Shop, Waterdeep Way Catalogue Counter (business, C, 1)
- C38: The Jade Jug (inn, B, 4)
- C39: Fellowship Hall (guildhall, B, 3)
- C40: The Map House (guildhall, B, 2)
- C41: Shyrrhr’s House (row house, B, 3)
- C42: Loene the Fighter’s House (row house, A, 3)
- C43: Mother Tathlorn’s House of Pleasure (festhall, B, 5)
- C44: The House of Gems (guildhall, C, 2)
- C45: Lady Naneatha Lhaurilstar’s residence (row house, B, 3)
- C46: Bell Tower (city building, C, 3)
- C47: Guard Smithy (city building, C, 2)
- C48: The Yawning Portal (inn, C, 3)
- C49: The Red-eyed Owl (tavern, D, 2)
- C50: The Sleepy Slyph (tavern, C, 2)
- C51: Crommor’s Warehouse (warehouse, C, 4)
- C52: Mirt’s Mansion (villa, A, 3)
- C53: The Quaffing Quaggoth (tavern, C, 1)
- C54: The Sailor’s Own (tavern, D, 1)
- C55: Eilean’s Maztican Delights (business, B, 2)
- C56: Lightsinger Theater (business, A, 3)
- C57: Sorynth’s Silverware (business, B, 2)
- C58: Jhural’s Dance (festhall, C, 3)
- C59: Tavern of the Flagon Dragon (tavern, C, 2)
- C60: Sapphire House (rooming house/inn, B, 5)
- C61: Delzimmer residence (row house, B, 4)
- C62: Irlingstar residence, “Sablehearth” (row house, B, 4)
- C63: Syndra Wands’ Tower (wizard’s domicile, B, 3)
- C64: Old Knot Shop (business, B, 2)
- C65: “Sharkroar” Horth Shalark’s Broadsheets (business, C, 1)
- C66: Pantheon Temple of the Seldarine (temple, A, 4)
- C67: Peaktop Aerie (city building, A, 5)
- C68: Watching Tower (city building, A, 6)
- C69: Watching Tower (city building, A, 6)
- C70: Thayan Embassy (embassy, A, 4)
- C71: Caladorn Cassalanter’s residence (rowhouse, A, 3)
- C72: New Olamn (school, A, 4)
- C73: Azuth’s Mug (tavern, B, 1)
- C74: House of Two Hands (monastery, A, 3)
- C75: Piergeiron’s Palace (city building, A, 7)
- C76: Castle Waterdeep (city building, A, 10)
- C77: Larissa Neathal’s residence (row house, A, 2)
- C78: Wyrmbones Inn (inn, A, 3)
- C79: Ahghairon’s Tower (city building, A, 4)
- C80: Tolgar Anuvien’s residence (villa, A, 3)
- C81: Blushing Nymph (festhall, B, 2)
- C82: Haerun Mhammaster’s residence (rowhouse, C, 3)
- C83: Ammathair Hawkfeather’s residence (house, C, 2)
- C84: Nurneene’s Marvelous Masks (business, C, 4)
- C85: The Curious Past (business, B, 2)
- C86: Paethier’s Pipeweed (business, B, 2)
The last of the safer places to visit at night, Castle Wards alleys have almost all become proper streets. With the abundance of important folk and their bodyguards to say nothing of the frequent guard and watch patrols, thieves have little interest in skulking about here. Some of the places of local lore and interest are the following:
- Asmagh's Alley
- Buckle Alley
- Cat Alley
- The Cat's Tail
- Duir's Alley
- Elsambul's Lane
- Howling Cat Court
- Jester's Court
- Lemontree Alley
- Lhoril's Alley
- The Prowl
- The Reach
- Sevenlamps Cut
- Shadows Alley
- Turnback Court
- Zeldan's Alley
Trades Ward

Trades Ward lies in the eastern half of Waterdeep, encircling the western and southern walls of the City of the Dead. Given over almost entirely to commerce, Trades Ward lacks the feeling of community found in the more residential wards, but retains the hustle and bustle of a marketplace throughout the day and night. Notable landmarks of Trades Ward include the Court of the White Bull, the Plinth (T38), and Virgin’s Square.
Trades Ward Structures
- T1: The Underdark (tavern, C, 2)
- T2: Khammeral’s Coins (business, C, 1)
- T3: Inn of the Dripping Dagger (inn, B, 4)
- T4: The Riven Shield Shop (business, B, 2)
- T5: The Snookery (row house, B, 2)
- T6: Mhair’s Tower (wizard’s domicile, A, 5)
- T7: Saern’s Fine Swords (business, B, 2)
- T8: Gondalim’s (inn, B, 3)
- T9: Dunblast Roofing Company (business, C, 2)
- T10: Citadel of the Arrow (guildhall, B, 3)
- T11: Costumers’ Hall (guildhall, B, 2)
- T12: Thentavva’s Boots (business, C, 1)
- T13: Maelstrom’s Notch (inn, B, 2)
- T14: The League Office (guildhall, C, 1)
- T15: The Unicorn’s Horn (inn, B, 6)
- T16: Aurora’s Realms Shop, Street of Tusks Catalogue Counter (business, B, 4)
- T17: Orsabbas’s Fine Imports (business, C, 3)
- T18: Riautar’s Weaponry (business, C, 2)
- T19: The House of Song (guildhall, B, 2)
- T20: Patient Fingers Finework (business, C, 2)
- T21: League of Basketmakers & Wickerworkers Storage (warehouse, C)
- T22: The House of Cleanliness (guildhall, C, 1)
- T23: Belmonder’s Meats (business, C, 1)
- T24: Thond Glass and Glazing Shop (business, C, 2)
- T25: The Zoarstar (guildhall, temple, B, 3)
- T26: The Old Guildhall (guildhall, C, 3)
- T27: The House of Textiles (guildhall, B, 2)
- T28: Golden Horn Gambling House (festhall, B, 3)
- T29: The House of Light (guildhall, B, 3)
- T30: House of Light Storage (warehouse, C, 2)
- T31: Stationers’ Hall (guildhall, C, 2)
- T32: The Gentle Rest (inn, B, 5)
- T33: The Gentle Rest Stables (business, C, 2)
- T34: The Guild Paddock (guildhall, C, 2)
- T35: Meiroth’s Fine Silks (business, B, 3)
- T36: The Bowels of the Earth (tavern, C, 2)
- T37: Cobblers’ and Corvisers’ House (guildhall, C, 2)
- T38: The Plinth (city building/temple, A, 6)
- T39: Felzoun’s Folly (tavern, C, 3)
- T40: Surtlan’s Metalwares (business, C, 1)
- T41: Scirkhel Wands’ residence (row house, B, 3)
- T42: Wheel Hall (guildhall, C, 2)
- T43: The Gray Serpent (inn, C, 3)
- T44: Blackstone House (row house, B, 4)
- T45: Rejviik’s Mortuary (business, A, 3)
- T46: Monastery of the Sun (temple, A, 4)
- T47: Huulfor Manor (business, A, 3)
- T48: River Gate (city building, A, 4)
- T49: The Singed Bolt (tavern, C, 2)
- T50: Zeltabbar Iliphar’s residence (row house, B, 3)
- T51: Henndever’s Coffins and Coffers (business, B, 2)
Given the quick turnover of most merchandise, the alleys of Trades Ward are almost constantly filled with refuse, empty crates, damaged or spoiled goods, and other garbage. The narrow alleys are reduced even further by makeshift middens and dumps; many heroes have been brought low by the limited room that hampers many weapons. Thieves tend to lurk within the alleys, using abandoned crates and wrecked carts for both cover and impromptu weapons, tumbling them upon passersby (whom they swiftly rob). The more noted (or notorious) alleys and danger spots are:
- Atkiss Alley
- Blackthorn Alley
- Brindul Alley
- Chelor's Alley
- Dark Alley
- Deloun Alley
- Hunter's Alley
- Lathin's Cut
- Mhaer's Alley
- Spendthrift Alley
- Quaff Alley
- Quill Alley
- Spoils Alley
- Theln Lane
- Tsarnen Alley
- Tuckpurse Alley
- Urcandle Alley
The City of the Dead
This walled enclosure on the eastern edge of Trades Ward is the general cemetery for the City of Splendors, and its size nearly makes it a ward in and of itself. Many citizens visit the City of the Dead’s parklike green lawns and white marble tombs during the day, for it is one of the few places dominated by greenery that the citizens of Waterdeep can share within the city walls. A Watch contingent keeps the cemetery peaceful, and various members of the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters keep torches lit around and inside a number of the tombs. The grounds are off-limits after dusk, and the gates are locked. Nevertheless, many individuals still hold clandestine meetings at night in the City of the Dead, despite the slight risk of undead escaping from a warded tomb to prowl the sprawling cemetery.
Although it has only been in its current form since the Year of the Riven Skull (1250 DR), the area has served as the city burial ground for centuries. The cemetery ran out of room in the Year of the Stranger (1064 DR), prompting the city to build a low wall around it and replace the individual graves with magic tombs linked by portals (constructed primarily by the mage Anacaster) to infinite demiplanes. Two years later, the high number of undead prompted the Lords to erect higher, defensible walls around the cemetery and to lock and ward the magic tombs. There have been few incidents since.
City of the Dead Structures
- CD1: Roads' End (vault, C, 1)
- CD2: The House of the Homeless (tomb, C, 1)
- CD3: Ahghairon's Statue (tomb, A, 1)
- CD4: Merchants' Rest (tomb, B, 1)
- CD5: Warriors' Monument (tomb, B, 1)
- CD6: Lords' Respite (tomb, A, 1)
- CD7: The Hall of the Sages (tomb, B, 1)
- CD8: The Hall of Heroes (tomb, A, 1)
- CD9: Mariners' Rest (tomb, C, 1)
- CD10: Deepwinter Vault (tomb, B, 1)
- CD11: Watchway Tower (city building, A, 4)
- CD12: Guard Tower (city building, A, 4)
- CD13: Beacon Tower (city building, A, 7)
- CD14: Sultlue Vault (tomb, B, 1)
Dock Ward

Waterdeep’s most notorious and colorful ward is also the oldest. Traveler’s tales portray it as a lawless, brawling place of drunks, smugglers, roaming monsters, and fell magic, which is not all that far from the truth. The bustling harbor scene and its attendant activities dominate this ward.
The Warrens
Beneath the heart of Dock Ward lies one of Waterdeep’s lesser-known neighborhoods. Reachable through narrow winding tunnels leading off various dark alleys, the Warrens have been centuries in the making, starting with ancient stone houses built along hilly streets. From time to time a higher fl oor has been added to a building, or a walkway built to add living space or to connect houses, even those across a street from each other. Over time, parts of streets have been completely hidden from the sun, and the lowest floors of many buildings have become cellars. Subsequent rebuildings have shored up the lowest inhabited floors and worked from there. The slow result of Waterdeep’s reach for the grander and larger and taller is the forgotten layer known as the Warrens, home to many of Waterdeep’s small folk. Many gnomes, halflings, and even the occasional dwarf have found congenial and discreet housing amid the dark cellars and narrow tunnels, for stout halfling warriors guard most entrances, keeping the Warrens free of humans and their ilk.
Dock Ward Structures
- D1: The Gray Griffon (tavern, C, 3)
- D2: Turnstone Plumbing and Pipefitting (business, C, 2)
- D3: The Metal House of Wonders (guildhall, C, 2)
- D4: Dhaermos Storage (warehouse, D, 5)
- D5: Whistling Blades (business, D, 1)
- D6: Selûne’s Smile (tavern, C, 2)
- D7: The Rearing Hippocampus (inn, C, 2)
- D8: The Splintered Stair (inn, C, 3)
- D9: The Blackstar Inn (inn, C, 3)
- D10: Serpentil Books & Folios (business, D, 3)
- D11: The Ship's Prow (inn, C, 4)
- D12: The Thirsty Sailor (tavern, D, 3)
- D13: The Thirsty Throat (tavern, D, 2)
- D14: Helmstar Warehouse (warehouse, C, 2)
- D15: Warm Beds (inn, C, 3)
- D16: Lanternmaker Zorth Ulmaril (business, D, 2)
- D17: The Bloody Fist (tavern, D, 1)
- D18: Three Pearls Nightclub (festhall, D, 1)
- D19: Shipwrights' House (guildhall, B, 2)
- D20: Red Sails (warehouse, C, 2)
- D21: Muleskull Tavern (tavern/guild, D, 2)
- D22: The Hanging Lantern (festhall, C, 6)
- D23: The Sleeping Wench (tavern, D, 3)
- D24: Aurora’s Realms Shop, Slut Street Catalogue Counter (business, C, 3)
- D25: The Purple Palace (festhall, C, 4)
- D26: The Mermaid's Arms (festhall, C, 3)
- D27: The Blue Mermaid (tavern, D, 2)
- D28: Shippers' Hall (guildhall, C, 2)
- D29: Shippers' Storage (warehouse, D, 3)
- D30: The House of Tarmagus (warehouse, D, 4)
- D31: Coopers' Rest (guildhall, C, 2)
- D32: The Hanged Man (tavern, D, 1)
- D33: House of Pride Perfumes (business, C, 1)
- D34: Arnagus the Shipwright's residence (row house, B, 3)
- D35: Full Sails (tavern/guildhall, C, 3)
- D36: The Blushing Mermaid (festhall, C, 2s & 3s)
- D37: Felhaur's Fine Fish (business, D, 1)
- D38: Khostal Hannass, Fine Nuts (business, D, 1)
- D39: Seaswealth Hall (guildhall, C, 2)
- D40: Nestaur the Ropemaker (business, C, 2)
- D41: The Sleeping Snake (tavern, D, 1)
- D42: Shipmasters' Hall (inn, C, 3)
- D43: Watermens' Hall (guildhall, C, 3)
- D44: Mariners' Hall (guildhall, B, 3)
- D45: Torpus the Tanner (business, C, 2)
- D46: League Hall (guildhall, C, 2)
- D47: The Butchers' Guildhall (guildhall, C, 2)
- D48: Melgard's Fine Leathers (business, C, 1)
- D49: Thomm Storage (warehouse, C, 4)
- D50: Telethar Leatherworks (business, D, 2)
- D51: Fellowship Storage (warehouse, C, 4)
- D52: Smokehouse (business, D, 2)
- D53: Jemuril the Dwarf's residence (rowhouse, C, 2)
- D54: The Copper Cup (festhall, C, 4s & 5s)
- D55: Gelfuril the Trader (business, C, 1)
- D56: Guard Barracks (city building, C, 3)
- D57: Cookhouse Hall (city building, C, 2)
- D58: The Pickled Fisherman (tavern, D, 2)
- D59: The Soaring Pegasus (tavern, C, 2)
- D60: The Fishscale Smithy (business, C, 2)
- D61: Jester's Clubhouse (guildhall, D, 1)
- D62: Horizon's Sails (business, B, 2)
- D63: Mother Jatha's (business, D, 1)
- D64: Talnu's Ropeworks (business, D, 2)
- D65: Merlook Nets & Knotware (business, D, 1)
- D66: Ralagut's Wheelhouse (business, D, 1)
- D67: The Angry Coxswain (tavern, D, 1)
- D68: Gathgaer Milomynt's residence (row house, D, 2)
- D69: Maernath Storage (warehouse, D, 2)
- D70: Alex Lenter's Storage (warehouse, D, 2)
- D71: Old Xoblob Shop (business, B, 3)
- D72: The Pavilion of Paving Stones (guildhall, C, 3)
- D73: Sailor's Corner (inn, D, 2)
- D74: Darth’s Dolphyntyde (tavern, D, 1)
Dock Ward boasts the most colorful and dangerous alleyways and courtyards in the City of Splendors. Tourists are advised to be very sure of their personal defenses before walking any of these by night, even if not alone.
- Arun's Alley
- Black Wagon Alley
- Black Well Court
- Candle Lane
- Caedermon's Walk
- Fishnet Alley
- Manysteps Alley
- Melinter's Court
- Philosopher's Court
- Round Again Alley
- Thelten's Alley
- Three Thrown Daggers Alley
- Trollcrook Alley
- Twoflask Alley
- Watchrun Alley
South Ward

Once known as Temple Ward, Southern Ward lies in the southeastern corner of Waterdeep, bounded by Trades Ward to the north and Dock Ward to the west. "Caravan City", as this oft-forgotten ward is sometimes known, is a homely, friendly, busy, and largely poor area of Waterdeep. Notable landmarks of Southern Ward include Caravan Court, the Adventurer's Quarter, and Waymoot.
South Ward Structures
- S1: The Swords’ Rest (tavern, C, 1)
- S2: The Stone House (guildhall, D, 1)
- S3: The House of Good Spirits (guildhall, B, 3)
- S4: The Redbridle Stables (business, C, 2)
- S5: The Coach and Wagon Hall (guildhall, B, 3)
- S6: Saddlers’ & Harness-Makers’ Hall (guildhall, B, 2)
- S7: Brian the Swordmaster’s Smithy (business, C, 2)
- S8: The Old Monster Shop (business, D, 4)
- S9: Midnight Sun (tavern, D, 1)
- S10: Kappiyan Flurmastyr residence (row house, C, 2)
- S11: Builders’ Hall (guildhall, B, 2)
- S12: Nelkaush the Weaver (business, C, 1)
- S13: The Road House (guild house, B, 2)
- S14: The Full Cup (tavern, D, 1)
- S15: The Jade Dancer (festhall, B, 3)
- S16: Tehmak’s Coaches (business, B, 3)
- S17: Hlakken Stables (business, C, 2)
- S18: The Spouting Fish (tavern, C, 4)
- S19: Nueth’s Fine Nets (business, C, 1)
- S20: Metalmasters’ Hall (guildhall, B, 3)
- S21: Aurora’s Realms Shop, South High Road Catalogue Counter (business, C, 4)
- S22: The Red Gauntlet (tavern, D, 2)
- S23: Pelauvir’s Counter (business, C, 5)
- S24: Bellister’s Hand (business, C, 2)
- S25: Bellister’s House (warehouse, C, 3)
- S26: Orm’s Highbench (business, D, 4)
- S27: Athal’s Stables (business, D, 2)
- S28: Essimuth’s Equipment (business, C, 2)
- S29: Temple of Good Cheer (row house, C, 3)
- S30: Madame Garah’s Boarding House (row house, B, 2)
- S31: Amrani’s Laundry (business, C, 1)
- S32: Piatran’s Clothiers (business, C, 1)
- S33: Rokkek Ingerr's Residence (row house, B, 2)
- S34: Hemmerem’s Stables (business, B, 1s & 2s)
- S35: Kolat’s Towers (wizards’ domiciles, B, 4s)
- S36: Watch Guardpost (city building, B, 2)
- S37: The Garrulous Grocer (home/business, B & C, 1, 2, & 3)
- S38: Krabbellor Silversmiths (business, C, 2)
- S39: Laran’s Cartographers (business, B, 2)
- S40: Waukeen’s Wares (business, D, 2)
- S41: The Safehaven Inn (inn, B, 3)
- S42: Ingerr & Ingerr Warehouses (warehouse, C, 2)
- S43: The Beer Golem (tavern, C, 2)
- S44: Phaulkonmere (noble villa, A, 2s & 3s)
- S45: The Daily Trumpet (business, C, 3)
- S46: Helm’s Hall (temple/house, C3
- S47: Tymora’s Blessing (tavern, D, 1)
- S48: The Medusa’s Glare (business, B, 2)
- S49: Flame of Hope (business, C, 2)
- S50: Berendarr’s World of Words (business, D, 1)
- S51: Hlethvagi’s Coins (business, B, 2)
- S52: The South Gate (city building, A, 4)
- S53: East Torch Tower (city building, A, 5)
- S54: Formerly Prestar’s Furniture (ruined building, D, 1)
There are lurking dangers within South Ward, as in Dock Ward. When out and about at night, be sure to have a lantern and a party of no fewer than four (unless youre looking for trouble!). South Ward's winding alleys and high buildings can distort sounds to make it difficult for the watch (or any Samaritan) to find the trouble.
Deepwater Harbor

The naturally sheltered, deepwater basin that gives Waterdeep both its name and its wealth is a bustling place. Its chill waters are kept fairly clean by the diligent work of the Guild of Watermen and the merfolk of Tharqualnaar. The mariners of the Guard control access to the harbor above the waves, using the retractable chain-nets and walls of the defensible harbor to bar entrance or exit by particular ships.
Deepwater Harbor is divided into two smaller harbors—the Great Harbor, through which commerce and transportation flows, and the Naval Harbor, restricted for the use of the navy. Two major islands, Stormhaven and Deepwater, enclose the harbor. Notable landmarks include Boatscrape Cove, where ships are beached to be cleaned of barnacles and worse; Deepwater Beach, where mermaids often come to sun and flirt with the guards; the Sea Stacks, sharp rocks that deter the close approach of sailing ships; and Umberlee’s Cache, the subsea depression that leads to flooded caverns in the depths.Waterdeep’s sewers empty into the harbor at places covered with extremely large and strong gratings, regularly patrolled by bands of merfolk. The merfolk use catch-nets on poles to scoop and gather the debris into large tow-globes for transport far out to sea. The harbor’s rocky, sloping bottom is thinly covered with mud, especially at the southern end of the harbor. It is kept free of plants and litter by the merfolk. Due to the
cleanliness of the harbor and the undersea lighthouse known as Deepwater Beacon (H7), there are no penalties to Spot checks beneath the harbor’s surface.
Deepwater Harbor Structures
- H1: Harborwatch Tower (city building, A, 4)
- H2: Smugglers’ Bane Tower (city building, A, 4)
- H3: Outer Fort (city building A, 3)
- H4: Inner Fort (city building, A, 3)
- H5: The Queenspire (temple, A, 6)
- H6: Sea Elf Trading Outpost (business, D, 1)
- H7: Deepwater Beacon (city building, A, 3)